1279BC Rameses II "the Great" became Pharaoh of Egypt(1279-1213 BC)
198BC Titus Quinctius Flaminus defeated Philip V of Macedon in the Battle of the Aous Narrows -- Learn More
0    Feast of St. Massimo of Turin, Bishop and Theologian, Patron of Turin, and that of St. Prosper of Reggio, Patron of Reggio Emilia
841    Battle of Fontenay: Embroglio among Charlemagne's heirs
1080    Schismatic Council of Brixen declares Archbishop Guibert [Anti-]Pope "Clement III" (1080-1100)
1139    Battle of Ourique: Porgual's Afonso I defeats the Moors
1183    Peace of Constance: the Lombards secure autonomy from the Holy Roman Empire
1243    Sinibaldo de' Fieschi elected Pope as Innocent IV (1243-1254)
1298    Massacre of 250 Jews at Rothenburg, Germany
1386    Battle of Brentelle: The Carrano defeat the Scaligers
1483    Richard of Gloucester declares his nephew 12-year old King Edward V illegitimate, deposes him, and assumes the crown as Richard III (1483-1485)
1569    Battle of La Roche l'Abeille: French Huguenots defeat the Catholics
1570    Battle of Arnay-le-duc: French Catholics defeat the Huguenots
1862    Battle of Oak Grove, Va
1863    George Meade replaces Joe Hooker as CG, Army of the Potomac
1864    Petersburg: Union troops begin a tunnel under Confederate lines
1870    Isabella II of Spain (1833-1868) abdicates in favor of her son, the later Alfonso XII (r. 1874-1885), two years after having been deposed
1876    Crazy Horse’s Sioux and Northern Cheyenne defeated George A. Custer and the 7th Cavalry at the Little Big Horn -- Learn More
1898    Skirmish at Aguadores, Cuba
1905    Polish uprising against Russian domination
1920    Greeks capture 8,000 Turkish troops at Smyrna
1925    Military coup by Gen. Theodorus Pangoulos in Greece
1941    FDR bars racial discrimination in war industries
1941    Finland declares war on the Soviet Union
1942    Eisenhower takes command of U.S. forces in Europe
1942    Papua: Australians form the Maroubra Force for operations on the Kokoda Trail
1942    RAF raids Bremen
1942    USS 'Nautilus" (SS-168) sinks Japanese DD 'Yamakaze', off Tokyo Bay
1943    Crematory III at Birkenau is finished
1943    Race riots in Detroit
1943    US submariners finally convince the Navy that its torpedoes suck
1948    Truman signs Displaced Persons Act: 205,000 refugees enter the US
1950    North Korea invaded South Korea, claiming "self defense" -- Learn More
1981    Supreme Court holds male-only draft registration constitutional
1991    Slovenia and Croatia declare independence from Yugoslavia
1991    The last Soviet troops leave Czechoslovakia
1991    Ticker tape parade up Broadway to honor Korean War veterans
1996    Dhahran, Saudi Arabia: Islamists bomb Khobar Towers, 19 Americans die, c. 500 Saudis & Americans injured

1328    Sir William II de Montague, King of Mann, Earl of Salisbury, English general, 100 Yrs War, d. 1397
1373    Queen Giovanna II of Naples (1414-35)
1796    Tsar Nicholas I of Russia (1825-1855)
1813    William Hugh Keim, Brig Gen, U.S., d. 1862
1823    James Dunwody Bulloch, naval officer, C.S.N., d. 1901
1870    Robert Erskine Childers, author, soldier, naval airman, Irish patriot, executed 1922 -- Learn More
1875    Oliver Lyman Spaulding, American soldier-scholar, d. 1947 -- Learn More
1886    General of the Air Force Henry "Hap" Arnold, d. 1950
1896    Alfred Anderson, WW I veteran of the Black Watch, the last survivor of the Christmas Truce of 1914, the last Scottish veteran of the war, and the oldest man in Scotland, d. 2005
1900    Admiral of the Fleet Lord Louis Mountbatten of Burma, murdered 1979
1903    Eric Blair [George Orwell], volunteer for the Spanish Republic, author ("Homage to Catalonia," "Amimal Farm," "1984"), d. 1950
1941    Luigi Capello, 82, Italian general, blamed for Caporetto, anti-Fascist

1212    Simon de Montfort, leader of the Albigensian Crusade, at 67
1337    King Federico III of Sicily (1295-1337), 64
1669    François de Vendôme, Duc de Beaufort,, 53, French soldier, kia, the Siege of Candia
1673    Charles de Batz-Castelmore, le comte d'Artagnan, shot in the throat during the siege of Maastricht, at c. 62
1715    Jean-Baptiste du Casse, French admiral, colonial administrator, and slave trader, at 68 -- Learn More
1876    Lame White Man and c. 50 other Indians, KIA
1876    Lt Col George A Custer (36), his brothers Thomas W (31) & Boston (27), his nephew Harry A Reed (18), his brother-in-law James Calhoun (30), black Quartermaster employee Isaiah Dorman (c. 55), & c. 250 other members of the 7th Cavalry, KIA
1894    Marie François Sadi Carnot, 56, President of France (1887-1894), assassinated by an anarchist
1906    Stanford White (52), architect, shot in Madison Square Garden, which he had designed, by the husband of his former mistress Evelyn Nesbit, Harry K Thaw
1912    Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema, 76, Anglo-Dutch academic aritist ("The Tepidarium", "The Roses of Heliogabalus", etc.)
1956    Fleet Admiral Ernest J. King, at 77 -- Learn More
1997    Jacques-Yves Cousteau, naval officer, explorer, Vichyite, at 87
2015    Patrick Macnee, 93, sometime Lt, Coastal Forces, actor ("The Avengers")