597BC Nebuchadnezzar's Babylonians capture Jerusalem, destroying the First Temple
0    Feast of St. Hilary, Bishop of Aquileia, Martyred in the persecution of Numerian
1190    Crusaders massacre the Jews of York, England, c. 500 die
1322    Battle of Boroughbridge: Sir Andrew Harclay defeats the Earl of Lancaster
1527    Battle of Khanua: Babur's Moghuls defeat the Rajputs
1792    Swedish King Gustav III mortally wounded by an assassin, which inspires Verdi's "Un Ballo in Maschera"
1815    William I of Orange proclaimed King of the Netherlands, including Belgium
1861    Confederate government appoints commissioners to Britain & France in the hope of securing recognition or aid
1865    Battle of Averysboro, NC
1882    US Senate ratifies treaty establishing the International Red Cross
1916    The new Dutch passenger liner 'Tubatina' is torpedoed off the Netherlands, Germany denies responsibility despite recovery of portions of the torpedo
1922    Sultan Fuad of Egypt (1917-1922) is crowned King of Egypt (1922-1936)
1926    Robert Goddard launches the first liquid fueled rocket, to 184 feet
1935    Hitler announces German rearmament, after years of covert efforts under the Weimar Republic, in violation of the Treaty of Versailles
1939    Hungary annexes Carpatho-Ukraine district of Czechoslovakia
1941    The Pennsylvania Railroad's Cleveland-Pittsburgh express was derailed near Baden, Pa., with 5 deaths, over 100 injured; German inspired sabotage was suspected, but no arrests were ever made.
1943    Solomon Is: U.S. destroyers shell Vila.
1944    USS 'Tautog' (SS-199) sinks Japanese DD 'Shirakumo' off Hokkaido
1945    Iwo Jima: organized Japanese resistance ends, mopping up continues.
1966    Gemini 8 launched with Armstrong & Scott, aborted after 6.5 orbits
1968    My Lai Massacre, perhaps 450 die
1985    Hezbollah terrorists capture Associated Press correspondent Terry Anderson, hold him until 1991
1993    Terrorist bombing in the Bow Bazar, Calcutta, 69 die

1399    Zhu Zhanji - the Xuande Emperor of Ming China (1425-1435)
1739    George Clymer, Signer of the Declaration of Independence, d. 1813
1751    James Madison, militiaman, President (1809-1817), d. 1836 -- Learn More
1802    George Archibald McCall, Brig Gen, U.S., d. 1868
1802    U.S. Military Academy, at West Point
1812    Henry Dwight Terry, Brig Gen, U.S., d. 1869
1822    John Pope, Maj Gen, U.S., who did very badly at Second Bull Run, d. 1892
1832    Charles Camp Doolittle, Brig Gen, U.S., d. 1903
1856    Prince Imperial Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, "Napoleon IV", kia Zululand, 1879 -- Learn More
1878    Clemens August Graf von Galen, Bishop & Cardinal of Munster (1933-1946), anti-Nazi, d. 1946
1878    Reza Pahlawi, Shah of Persia/Iran (1925-1941), d. 1944
1911    Josef Mengele, Nazi war criminal, d. 1979
1927    Vladimir M Komarov, Russia cosmonaut
1932    Walter M Cunningham, USMC, astronaut (Apollo 7)

37    Tiberius, 77, Roman general and Emperor (AD 14-37), possibly murdered
455    Emperor Valentinian III (424-455), assassinated at 35, much too late to help save the empire in the West -- Learn More
1185    King Baldwin IV "the Leper" of Jerusalem (1174-1185), c. 25
1286    King Alexander III of Scotland (1249-1286), 44
1536    Grand Vizier Ibrahim Pasha of the Ottoman Empire, murdered, c. 45
1838    Nathaniel Bowditch, oceanographer ("American Practical Navigator"), at 64
1914    Gaston Calmette, 55, editor of 'Le Figaro,' shot by Mdm. Henriette Caillaux, wife of France's finance minister, over some indiscrete letters he had published, initiating a scandalous trial that would preoccupy public attention until the outbreak of war in late July
1930    Miguel Primo de Rivera y Orbaneja, 60, Spanish general and dictator (1923-30)
1978    Aldo Moro, 61, former prime minister of Italy, assassinated by terrorists
1995    Simon Frazier, Lord Lovat, commando (Loflotten, Hardelot, Dieppe, Relief of Pegasus Bridge at Normandy), at 83