Book Review: Abraham Lincoln on Screen: Fictional and Documentary Portrayals on Film and Television (Second edition)


by Mark S. Reinhart

Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2012. Pp. x, 242. Illus., append., biblio., index. $25.00 paper. ISBN: 0786471700

A complete filmography of portrayals of Lincoln.

A revised edition of the work originally published in 2009, in Abraham Lincoln on Screen veteran motion picture historian and Lincoln specialist Reinhart covers film portrayals of the 16th president since the first known treatment, in 1901, through early 2012, only just missing the curious Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and the impressive Spielberg Lincoln.  Reinhart notes that since 1901, hardly a year has gone by without at least one biographical, fictional, or documentary appearance on screen by Lincoln, with some years rising to a half-dozen or so.  This listing provides short critiques of more than 300 films, shorts, television programs, and even cartoons.  It includes at least one serial and several curious appearances, including one Star Trek episode . 

Although not focused on the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln on Screen is a useful guide to many of the films about the conflict, and is likely to be of value to those interest in cinematic portrayals of the war .

Reviewer: A. A. Nofi, Review Editor   

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