Information Warfare: March 8, 2005


The American Joint Task Force-Global Network Operations (JTF-GNO) is moving into a new headquarters, which contains a war room that would make a Hollywood set designer jealous. JTF-GNO will use the new operations center to monitor, 24/7, the security of all American military communications networks. The operations center will also be protected from all manner of bugging and electronic attack, or infiltration. Or so it is believed. In order to maintain that level of security, few details of the new operations center are being released. Not even the name of the company doing the work (to make it harder for bad guys to get in touch with the builders of the center, and through that, obtain construction details) is being released. Once JTF-GNO is fully installed in the new center this May, the organization will become fully operational. The JTF-GNO has its work cut out for it. Last year, they detected 74,053 attempts to penetrate American military networks. Thats up from 54,688 in 2003, 43,086 in 2002 and 40,076 in 2001.




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