Information Warfare: June 7, 2005


Despite lip-service to the importance of "Information Warfare" by many in the U.S. Department of Defense,  InfoOps in Iraq and Afghanistan have been noticeably inept. An excellent example has been the failure to exploit the consequences of terrorist attacks on mosques and funerals, including the deaths of women, children, and clerics. No effort has been made to advertise the number of Korans destroyed, damaged, or defiled with blood as a result of these attacks. In addition, there has been no attempt to use citations from the Koran, the Hadith ("Sayings of Mohammed"), and Sharia (traditional interpretation -- like the Talmud) against insurgent outrages. Someone at the Pentagon is not paying attention to what resonates to an Islamic audience, despite proposals to take on al Qaeda at the ideology level. Al Qaeda is vulnerable when it comes to morality and religious ideology. However, there appears to be fears that exploiting al Qaedas religious vulnerability could backfire. 




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