Morale: Korean Roulette


March 28, 2013: South Korea has come up with a clever way to cause the collapse of the North Korea government, use missiles to destroy statues of the two previous rulers of North Korea (Kim Il Sung and his son Kim Jong Il). There are 35,000 statues and monuments for these two in North Korea and these representations of the two deceased rulers are considered sacred. South Korean intelligence analysts have drawn up a secret list of the statues that would have the most impact on North Korean morale if destroyed.

South Korea does not plan to be the aggressor here but to use the statue attack tactic if North Korea attacks South Korea again, as it has many times in the past (and usually denied it). The South Koreans are tired of this deadly charade, especially since it’s recently become quite obvious that North Korea really enjoys this sort of thing. For example, last year the playboy brother (who does not lives in North Korea) of current North Korean ruler Kim Jong Un had a book published (outside of North Korea), in which he confirmed many suspicions about North Korea. For example, he confirmed that North Korea sank the South Korea warship Cheonan in 2010, and that the later shelling of Yeonpyeong Island was meant to intimidate South Korea and all those who were trying to halt the North Korean nuclear weapons program.

Now North Korea has whipped itself up into another storm of self-righteous anger and is threatening to do something violent. Kim Jong Un is particularly angry at all the economic sanctions being put on North Korea because of the nuclear weapons program. Kim Jong Un is so angry this time around that he cancelled the ceasefire agreement that ended the 1950-53 war. It’s believed that Kim Jong Un will keep escalating the threats until he feels compelled to draw South Korean blood. Now the South Koreans have told the north that any such attack will result in statue destruction. South Korea has the missiles and smart bombs to carry this out. At that point North Korea can escalate further but the north is at a big disadvantage militarily and would risk further humiliation if they tried something like crossing the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone that separates the two Koreas).