March1, 2007:
Recently, American F-22 fighters were sent, for the first time, across
the Pacific, to Japan, for a training exercise. This would be the first time
the aircraft would cross the International Date line, where it is tomorrow, and
the aircrafts GPS and navigation software would handle the date change. There
were problems. All off a sudden the software that ran the navigation and
communications systems wasn't working too well. Being in the middle of the
Pacific Ocean, this was a problem. Some of the pilots were able to reboot their
software and make the problem go away, but this did not always work, so all the
aircraft turned around and returned to Hawaii. Those aircraft that still had
malfunctioning navigation software, followed other aircraft back. The
contractor quickly found the fixed the problem (the routines for crossing the
International Date Line, and changing the date, were not well thought out and
tested.) To quote Murphy's Law; "Whatever can go wrong, will, and at the worst
possible time."