Peace Time: July 8, 2002


The British SAS (Special Air Service) is a secretive commando organization, perhaps the best in the world. But since September 11, 2001, a lot of very wealthy people have become more concerned about security. This has caused frequent attempts to recruit SAS for civilians security jobs. Apparently former SAS members, now working security jobs (and with access to active duty SAS), began to offer active duty SAS civilian jobs. An experienced SAS member makes about $50,000 a year. They have been offered up to $150,000 a year, and several dozen have accepted. This has made a dent in the SAS, which has a total strength of (at most) 240 men. The SAS has to get about a ten candidates for every man who can make it through the training. The formidable reputation of the SAS keeps all but the most stout hearted from even applying. To deal with this looming shortage, in early 2002, the SAS began allowing civilians to apply. Previously, only active duty military were allowed. 




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