Peace Time: March 5, 2003


The U.S. Marine Corps is a relatively small organization, with a lot of responsibility. Marines are the largest ground combat organization currently sitting in Kuwait, and more are on the way. In effect, the marines are having a personnel shortage. At the same time, a lot of retired marines are volunteering to return to active duty because of the looming war in Iraq. So the marines have put out the word that they will sign up retired marines for six months of active duty. But there are restrictions. The "recalled marines" must be under age 60, still have some of  their uniforms (at least some sets of camouflage utilities), still be in good physical shape and be willing to suspend all VA benefits while back on active duty. The marines are particularly interested in those who have retired in the past five years and have operational experience and skills in areas where shortages are showing up the most. Taking back recent retirees when a war breaks out is an ancient tradition. In fact, some retirees are legally liable for recall in wartime. To apply, or get more information, contact HQMC (MMSR-7), 3280 Russell Road, Quantico, Va. 22134-5103. Contact for officers is Capt. A.M. Ingram at (703) 432-9097 and for enlisted is MSgt V.P. Tate at (703) 432-9099.




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