Space: India Takes Israel Into Orbit


January 23, 2008: The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) launched an Israeli spy satellite on January 21st. This was the second commercial launch for ISRO, as they launched an Italian satellite last year. ISRO is a new player in this market, and has some pluses and minuses. ISRO launches cost about a third less than what anyone else charges. However, the ISRO rockets can only put lightweight birds into orbit. The Israeli Polaris satellite weighed 650 pounds. Because of rapid recent progress in electronics miniaturization, and more efficient solar panels and batteries, you can get a lot of spy satellite for 650 pounds.

Israel and India have been developing a growing cooperation in military affairs. Both nations are the targets of Islamic radicals, and both have booming economies. India has a Jewish minority that has been around for over two thousand years. Many of those Indian Jews have moved to Israel in the last half century, although many are now spending more time in the "old country." Israel can supply India with the latest military technology, as well as a partner for developing new military, and non-military tech. Both nations also cooperate in the battle against Islamic terrorism.