Counter-Terrorism: Death To The Immortal Smart Phones


December 11, 2012: Islamic conservatives have found themselves increasingly at war with modern technology. The latest and most common target for banning and condemnation is the smart phone. This is seen as a corrupting influence, keeping young people away from the mosque and their prayers. Facebook is considered an addiction, not much worse than heroin or cocaine. These two drugs were not mentioned in the Koran, while alcohol was (and is forbidden). But hard drugs have proved devastating in Moslem communities. While Islamic terror groups often sustain themselves dealing or transporting drugs, they condemn the use of these drugs by Moslems. Nevertheless many Islamic radicals are drug users and dead terrorists are often found to be users and often quite high on one drug or another. The smart phone has followed the same trajectory expect that, unlike hard drugs, these devices are so damn useful.

Smart phones are basically hand held computers and very popular with young Moslems, even those who have become Islamic terrorists. Islamic clerics see smart phones as the gateway to all manner of debauchery (porn, music, and a wide variety of “un-Islamic” videos). Email is often abused to have forbidden contact with Moslem women. Efforts to ban the use of smart phones have been failures. This is a major problem for the leaders of Islamic terror organizations because smart phones are a major source of information for anti-terrorist police and intelligence organizations. More moderate Moslems (meaning the vast majority of Moslems) are more eager to obtain and use technology, especially cell phones and smart phones.