Military Photo: What Nancy Pelosi Has


What Nancy Pelosi Wants What Nancy Pelosi Should Get
The C-20 is a
Posted: 02/01/2007

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twin-engine, turbofan aircraft acquired to fill the airlift mission forhigh-ranking government and Department of Defense officials. The 89thAirlift Wing, Andrews Air Force Base, Md., operates five C-20B's forworldwide special air missions. The 86th Airlift Wing, Ramstein AirBase, Germany, operates two C-20H's for operational support airliftmissions.�

Two Rolls RoyceSpey Mark 511-8 engines power the C-20B models. The primary differencebetween the C-20B and H model is the electrical system, engines, andthe avionics package. Two Rolls Royce Tay Mark 611-8 engines power theC-20H. The Tay Mark 611-8 engines provide greater performance, greaterrange and are reduced noise signature than the B model. The C-20H isalso slightly longer than the B model, and has an upgraded avionicspackage and interior.�Worldwide secure and non-secure� passengercommunication capability exists on both aircraft.�

TheC-20A/B, military versions of the Gulfstream III, was chosen in June1983 as the replacement aircraft for the C-140B Jetstar. Three A modelswere delivered to the 89th Airlift Wing under a cost-saving acceleratedpurchase plan. Upon delivery of the C-20B's, Andrews transferred thethree C-20A's to Ramstein Air Base and all C-140B's at both locationswere phased out of the U.S. Air Force inventory. In 1992, Gulfstreamdelivered their latest model, the C-20H (Gulfstream IV) to Andrews AFB.In 2002, the C-20A was selected for decommissioning and two C-20Hs atAndrews were transferred to Ramstein.

General Characteristics
Primary Function: C-20B/H, special air and operational support airlift missions�
Builder: Gulfstream Aerospace Corp.
Power Plant: C-20B, two Rolls-Royce Spey Mark 511-8 turbofan engines;C-20H, two Rolls-Royce Tay Mark 611-8 turbofan engines
Thrust: C-20B, 11,400 pounds each engine; C-20H, 13,850 pounds each engine
Length: C-20B, 83 feet, 2 inches (25.4 meters); C-20H, 88 feet, 4 inches (26.9 meters)
Height: 24 feet, 6 inches (7.5 meters)
Wingspan: 77 feet, 10 inches (23.7 meters)
Speed: 576 mph (501 nautical miles per hour) maximum
Maximum Takeoff Weight: C-20B, 69,700 pounds (31,610 kilograms); C-20H, 74,600 pounds (33,832 kilograms)
Range: C-20B, 4,250 miles (3,698 nautical miles) long-range; C-20H, 4,850 miles (4,220 nautical miles) long range
Ceiling: 45,000 feet (13,716 meters)
Load: 12 passengers
Unit Cost: All models, $29.4 (fiscal 1998 constant dollars)
Crew: Five (pilot, copilot, flight engineer, communication system operator, flight attendant)�
Date Deployed: C-20B, 1988; C-20H, 1992
Inventory: C-20B, Active force, 5; ANG, 0; Reserve, 0
C-20H, Active force, 2; ANG, 0; Reserve, 0

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