Military Photo: HH-47 CSAR-X


Artist Conception of the HH-47
Related Story On StrategPageBoeing information on the HH-47
Posted: 09/01/2007

TheBoeing HH-47 helicopter was selected by the U.S. Air Force in November2006 for their Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) mission. The BoeingHH-47 tandem rotor aircraft is an advanced design, equipped withweapons, countermeasures, survivability enhancements, and advancedavionics, similar to those utilized on the U.S. Army Special OperationsMH-47G Chinook which is currently in production. The HH-47 is a highlyrugged and stable platform with proven reliable performance in a widerange of demanding environments, altitudes and conditions.

HH-47 - Most Capable, Low Risk

  • Anaffordable, low risk, highly capable platform with a proven operationaland logistics track record; the HH-47 is compliant with key Air Forceperformance parameters and incorporates the advanced functionality toperform demanding CSAR missions
  • Multi-missioncapable platform with significant combat experience, at high altitudes,in austere environments and with limited visibility
  • TheCSAR version of the Chinook is a new build aircraft that meets all AirForce Block 0 requirements and will require minimal upgrades to meetBlock 10 requirements
  • Key featuresinclude a net-ready cockpit, forward-looking infrared radar,terrain-following-terrain avoidance radar, and in-flight refuelingcapability
  • Improved power, avionics, vibration reduction and transportability enhancements will also distinguish the HH-47 CSAR-X model
  • Improveddigital maps, greater situational awareness, mission planning andmanagement capability enable flight crews to conduct missions withpinpoint accuracy
  • The HH-47 is anext generation of Chinook that benefits from the experience of 800other Chinooks operated worldwide by the US Army and 18 other customercountries including The Netherlands Air Force, United Kingdom's RoyalAir Force, Egyptian Air Force, Korea, Singapore, Japan, Australia,Spain, and Italy
  • Boeing team mateson the HH-47 program include Honeywell, Rockwell, Smiths, BAe, MRC,Fenn, Kaman, ITT, Harvard, Middle River, L3, Ehmke, Keystone, FluidMechanisms, Northstar, Northrup Grumman, Goodrich, Loud, and Raytheon

US Air Force CSAR Program Status

  • Boeing's offer of the HH-47 was submitted in November 2005
  • A flight performance and cabin suitability demonstration was completed using two MH-47G's leased from USSOCOM
  • AnAir transportability evaluation was completed in December 2005 thatdemonstrated the ability to prepare the HH-47 for strategic airlift andre-build it to a flight worthy configuration in under three hours ateach end
  • Source selection announced in November 2006
  • Boeingwill build 141 HH-47 aircraft at the Boeing Integrated Defense Systems'rotorcraft manufacturing facility in Ridley Park, Pa., home of theMH-47G Special Operations Chinook program, and the US Army CH-47 Fprogram
  • Competitors Sikorsky(S-92) and Lockheed Martin / AgustaWestland (US-101) have protested theAir Force decision to buy the Boeing HH-47

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