On Point: Memorial Day 2008

by Austin Bay
May 20, 2008"We're a military at war, not a nation at war," the lieutenant colonelsaid ever so quietly but harshly as he leaned across the table at an Austin,Texas-area Rotary Club luncheon.

"We're a military at war, not an entire country," the newly promotedMarine major said vehemently, in the confines of a classroom at the USMC Commandand Staff College at Quantico, Va.

"You know what the problem is, Col. Bay. We're here at war, and the restof the country is on its butt," the operations sergeant said to me.

Let's review the timeline. The lieutenant colonel said that to me inspring 2006. The Marine major said that to me the first week of May 2008. As forthe ops sergeant, his blunt instrument of an observation hails from summer 2004,delivered in and around Baghdad and delivered often.

For the mass audience, I have scrubbed his language. But in the cinemaverite version I wouldn't -- not for the sake of drama or display of tough guyanger, but for his genuine expression of deep disappointment and thoroughdisgust.

Anyone who spends time in the field encounters outstanding men and womenfrom the State Department, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) andCIA, but since 9-11 the American military and their families have certainlyborne the brunt of our war efforts.

Maybe it was always so. My diet of U.S. Civil War histories has increasedin the last couple of years -- the 150th anniversary of Fort Sumter is less thanthree years away. The Civil War remains America's "great brush with history" andclose brush with national demise. I've paid more attention to descriptions ofthe Union's "home front," particularly in the Midwest and Illinois -- and I amcertain this is due to our current experience with the War on Terror's complexhome front. At times anti-war sentiments in the North were expressed as disdainfor Union soldiers.

Yet in the wake of the greatest, most destructive war the United Stateshas ever experienced, Memorial Day emerged. Decoration Day, a day in May setaside for "decorating" the graves of dead soldiers with flowers, began as aUnion observance. The Website usmemorialday.org notes that Southern states"refused to acknowledge the day, honoring their dead on separate days untilafter World War I (when the holiday changed from honoring just those who diedfighting in the Civil War to honoring Americans who died fighting in any war)."

Memorial Day became a national day, a healing day of remembrance to say"thanks," no matter one's history.

Public observances have waxed and waned. Post-World War II, they waxed.Post-Vietnam, in many places they faded.

Fellow soldiers keep the faith, however. On May 28, 2005, I delivered abrief Memorial Day speech at the Travis County International Cemetery. The placeis one of those plots of ground with a decidedly checkered past. In the 19thcentury, it was a "paupers graveyard." Today, a group of Hispanic veterans,Tejanos in Action, tends the graves of indigent American veterans buried in thecemetery.

The ceremony was simple. A Tejanos honor guard conducted a flag ceremony.A bugler played taps, and the honor guard fired a 21-gun salute. I kept thespeech short -- and here's the gist of it:

"... At one time, this cemetery is what another era called a potter'sfield ... a gravesite for the destitute, for the disenfranchised, for thesocially disdained, for those grand society might conveniently forget.

"... Tejanos in Action has changed that sad legacy ... for this cemeteryis now dedicated to remembering, not forgetting. Thank you and your organizationfor this gift, which enriches our history and in doing so enriches our spiritand ... our democracy. The mission of each generation is to take what we haveand do better, do more with it. Liberty gives us this chance, to choose to takea sad and forgotten plot and turn it into a beautiful, peaceful place.

"... Memorial Day is about taking a moment to reflect and to remember, toreflect and to respect the special gift of those who did their duty."

And -- I'll add in 2008 -- it is a day to thank those who do their dutynow.

NOTE: The entire speech may be found at the May 28, 2005, entry ofaustinbay.net/blog.

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