Afghanistan: September 22, 2000


Taliban forces drove Northern Alliance forces from the northern Kunduz province, denying the Northern Alliance another supply line from Tajikistan.

September 21, 2000,  Fighting in Takhar province has created some 70,000 refugees. Many of these have been driven out by the Taliban, who are trying to clear the area of real or potential Northern Alliance supporters.

September 20, 2000, Northern Alliance troops defeated the Taliban in Kunduz province (on the Tajik border.) The Northern Alliance is working to rebuild it's supply lines from Tajikistan after the loss of bases in nearby Takhar province.

September 17, 2000, Taliban forces were pushed off some hills by a Northern Alliance attack around the recently captured city of Taloqan. 

September 15, 2000, Taliban forces repulsed two Northern Alliance attacks against the recently captured city of Taloqan. 

September 13, 2000, The Taliban captured two important hills overlooking the recently captured Taloqan. The Northern Alliance says it will now do a little guerilla warfare to soften the Taliban up before going after Taloqan again. 

September 9, 2000, With the capture of Taloqan, the Taliban have spread out to capture the rest of the surrounding Takhar province. 

September 5, 2000, The Northern Alliance says it is preparing to retake Taloqan. 

September 7, 2000, Russia says it does not plan to attack Taliban forces in order to help the Northern Alliance recapture Taloqan. This city controls one of the vital Northern Alliance supply lines from Russian ally Tajikistan. Russia is at odds with the Taliban because of Taliban support for Chechen rebels. 

September 6, 2000, Taliban forces captured Taloqan, a northern Afghan city that controls one of the vital Northern Alliance supply lines from Russian ally Tajikistan to the north.  

September 5, 2000, Taliban and Northern Alliance troops have stopped fighting around Taloqan in Takhar province in the northeast. 




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