Afghanistan: December 26, 2001


In the United States, a reserve military police battalion has been called up. This unit specializes in handling prisoners and could go to the new prison camp in Guantanamo, Cuba, or within Afghanistan. The government in Afghanistan holds some 7,000 al Qaeda and Taliban prisoners, and these are being investigated and the ones thought useful for prosecuting the War on Terrorism are being handed over to America. So far, the U.S. is holding 45 al Qaeda members, including 20 captured in Pakistan.

A video of Osama bin Laden addressing the world has turned up, mailed from Pakistan to cable news network al Jazeera. Bin Laden is thinner and tired looking as he denounces the west and calls for Moslems to attack the American economy and kill women and children among the "unbelievers." The tape was apparently made sometime in mid December. Bin Laden is currently thought to be dead in a Tora Bora cave, or hiding out in Pakistan. 

UN peacekeepers continue to arrive in Kabul, as negotiations with the government about how many peacekeepers there will be (3,000-5,000) and what they will do, continue.