Afghanistan: July 8, 2003


Several hundred Afghans attacked the Pakistani embassy in Kabul and caused much damage. The protest was caused by the feeling that Pakistani troops are "invading" Afghanistan as Pakistan tries to exercise control over border crossings. This effort has led to armed resistance by Pushtun tribes that straddle the border and are accustomed to free passage, especially for their lucrative smuggling operations. One tribe in particular, the Mohmand, with 300,000 members, have a third of its population in Afghanistan and the rest in Pakistan.  In reaction to the attack on its embassy, Pakistan closed the embassy and said it would not reopen it until it received compensation for the damage and an apology. The Pakistanis are miffed that the Afghan government guards at their embassy could do nothing to stop the attack by some 500 well organized Afghans. The attack was organized by an Afghan political party. Other groups have demonstrated against Pakistan over the last few days.