Algeria: The New, Improved, Less Ghastly, Terrorists


February19, 2007: Many Algerians are demanding harsher treatment of Islamic terrorists. Over 100,000 civilians were slaughtered by Islamic terrorists in the last fifteen years, and people are eager to stamp out this kind of savagery. But a large minority (over ten percent) of Algerians still support Islamic radicalism, giving the Islamic terrorists a source of new recruits. While there are only a few hundred actual Islamic terrorists out there, that's enough to keep the media events coming indefinitely. But that's not enough to overthrow the government, or much of anything else.

February 17, 2007: Moroccan police are searching for two al Qaeda terrorists believed associated with the Algerian branch of the organization. The recent bombings in Algeria were not popular, and the public revulsion and uproar that followed sent the surprised terrorists running for cover. Some are believed to have fled to Morocco.

February 15, 2007: Police raided terrorist haunts in eastern Algeria, encountered armed terrorists, and killed 26 of them. Another three dozen were arrested. In France, several Algerian terrorists were also arrested. Algerian al Qaeda tries to maintain links between members in Algeria and Europe (particularly France).

February 13, 2007: Seven bombs went off in eastern Algeria, killing six and wounding nearly 30. The main target appeared to be the police. Al Qaeda took credit for the attacks. This is a change for Algerian Islamic terrorists, who in the past did not use bombs much. Instead, they slaughtered people, often unarmed civilians were the victims. But since the GSPC Islamic terrorists of Algeria joined al Qaeda, they have been adopting al Qaeda tactics. That means more bombs, and less slitting throats. The victims are just as dead, but you don't, literally and figuratively, have blood on your hands. The media treats bombs differently than killing people up close and personal (with knives, guns and blunt objects.) Maybe it's because with bombs, there are survivors. When the GSPC was out slitting throats, there rarely were any survivors, and entire families would perish. Even the most opportunistic journalists was appalled by this sort of thing.