Angola: July 16, 1999


Combat, and acts of pure terrorism continue to take place in Angola. Gunman identified as belonging to UNITA killed fifty men, women and children in a village marketplace in Huambo. It is now the dry season and small rebel units range freely into nominally government territory.

In the first half of July, low level fighting continued in several parts of Angola (Chitembo, Sanza-Pombo, Malanje, and of Huambo). The government announced they would start a new offensive shortly.

The focal point of the fighting during June was the siege of Malanje. Over 200,000 people from surrounding villages are living in the towns streets. UNITA cut off the town in May and, although the government brings in supplies by air, but not enough to prevent starvation. About three dozen people are starving to death each week, and many more are dying of disease or from wounds. UNITA shells the town each day and inevitably kills or injures civilians. Between June 20 and 25, over 600 shell casualties were admitted to local hospitals. The siege continued into July, with no resolution in sight.


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