Balkans: February 5, 2001


The French parliament passed a resolution on 18 January condemning Turkey for the 1915-23 massacre of 1.5 million Armenians. Turkey has long insisted that this Armenian claim is exaggerated, that the death count was grossly inflated, and that the Turks (rather than trying to forcibly deport Armenians who have lived in the Ottoman Empire for generations) were responding to an Armenian uprising that sought to detach a large section of Turkey and transfer it to Armenia. The Turks responded swiftly and with considerable anger. Turkey withdrew its ambassador, canceled a $149 million deal to have France launch a spy satellite for them, then went on to cancel other arms deals and to exclude France from all future arms competitions (including kicking the Leclerc out of the $7 billion competition for new heavy tanks). They mayor of Ankara announced that the city's "Paris Street" would be renamed.Stephen V Cole

January 30 , 2001; The UN Security Council condemned attacks by Albanian guerrillas operating in south Serbia (the UCPMB). This was one of the UN's strongest statements against Albanian extremists who are carrying the Kosovo war across the border into Serbia. The UN specifically called for the "dissolution of ethnic Albanian extremist groups." 

January 29 , 2001; An Italian spokesman said that the Albanian government had informed Italy that it was willing to play a role in helping stabilize Kosovo and southern Serbia. Italy says Albania would use its influence with the anti-Serb Albanian rebels who are operating in southern Serbia (the UCPMB).

January 28 , 2001; On January 18, the French government passed a resolution condemning Turkey for the 1915 "genocide" of Armenians. The Turkish government promised it would respond. Turkey has now cancelled at least one French trade deal and is looking at others, including a French weapons-upgrade program.




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