Balkans: July 30, 2003


A hold up in the Moldova peace process. The Transdniester Republic (the Russian splinter of Moldova) reportedly stopped a Russian ammunition train that was leaving the Transdniester region. A spokesman for the separatist region said that Transdniester had allowed 39 trainloads of ammo and arms to leave the region but Russia had promised financial aid in return. So far, no aid. Therefore, trainload 40 was stopped. On the same day the Moldovan government said an talk of a European peacekeeping force for Transdniester was premature. Also on July 30 a US spokesman said that the US believed a solution to the separatist problem in Moldova could be found by the end of 2003. Russia has had a peacekeeping contingent in Transdniester since July 28, 1992. In other words, the Russian force has been in place 11 years. (Austin Bay)