China: July 28, 2001


Chinese Army Unit Organization 2001- The following tables of organization are based on open sources. The Chinese army has 1.9 million troops, some 14,000 armored vehicles and 14,500 mortars and artillery. Most of the armor and artillery is 1950s era technology. The SAMs (Surface to Air Missiles) are a generation or two behind what the U.S. and Taiwan have. The AAA (Anti-Aircraft Artillery) are updated versions of what was used during the Vietnam war (more radar guided guns, more larger caliber weapons). Most other weapons are copies of 1970s and 80s Russian designs. There is a lot of newer equipment, but at current rates of replacement, it would take several decades to replace all of the older stuff. Each division has a full strength of 10-12,000 troops.

Armored Division 
3 Armored Regiments, each with 3 Tank Battalions, 1 Mechanized Infantry Battalion, 1 Artillery Battalion (18x122-mm SP Howitzers For Northern China Units) 1 SAM-AAA Air-Defense Battalion (1 SAM Company + 2 AAA Companies). 
1 Artillery Regiment 
1 SAM-AAA Air-Defense Regiment 
1 Anti-Tank Battalion (18x120-mm SP Anti-Tank Guns + 8xATGW) 
1 Anti-Chemical Warfare Battalion 
1 Engineering Battalion 
1 Communications Battalion 
1 Transportation Battalion 

Mechanized Infantry Division 
2 Mechanized Infantry Regiments, each with 3 Mechanized Infantry Battalions, 1 Tank Battalion, 1 Artillery Battalion, 1 SAM-AAA Air-Defense Battalion (1 SAM Company + 2 AAA Companies) 
1 Armored Regiment, with 3 Tank Battalions, 1 Mechanized Infantry Battalion, 1 Artillery Battalion (18x122-mm SP Howitzers For Northern China Units), 1 SAM-AAA Air-Defense Battalion (1 SAM Company + 2 AAA Companies) 
1 Field Artillery Regiment 
1 SAM-AAA Air-Defense Regiment 
1 Anti-Tank Battalion (18x120-mm SP Anti-Tank Guns + 8xATGW) 
1 Anti-Chemical Warfare Battalion 
1 Engineering Battalion 
1 Communications Battalion 
1 Transportation Battalion 

Motorized Infantry Division 
2 Motorized Infantry Regiments 
1 Tank Regiment, with 3 Tank Battalions, 1 Field Artillery Battalion, 1 AAA Air-Defense Battalion 
1 Field Artillery Regiment (Northern Units) with 1 Battalion of 18x152-mm Towed Gun-Howitzers, 1 Battalion of 18x130-mm Guns, 1 Battalion of 18x122-mm Howitzers, 1 Battalion of 18x122-mm (40 tube multiple rocket launcher) MRLs. (Southern Units) 2 Battalions of 36x122-mm Howitzers, 1 Battalion of 18x120-mm Mortars, 1 Battalion of 18x130-mm (19 or 30 tube) MRLs 
1 AAA Air-Defense Regiment 
1 Anti-Tank Battalion (18x100-mm Anti-Tank Guns + 8xATGW) 
1 Anti-Chemical Warfare Battalion 
1 Engineering Battalion 
1 Communications Battalion 
1 Transportation Battalion 

Field Artillery Division 
1 Multiple Rocket Launcher Regiment (54x122-mm) 
1 Anti-Tank Artillery Regiment 

Field Artillery Brigade 
3-4 Gun-Howitzer Battalions 
1-2 MRL Battalions (18-36x122-mm) 
1 Anti-Tank Battalion (18xAnti-Tank Guns + 8xATGW) 

Air-Defense Brigade 
1-2 SAM Battalions 
3-4 AAA Battalions (25/37/57-mm) 

Motorized Infantry Brigade (Northern China Units) 
3 Motorized Infantry Battalions, each with 3 Motorized Companies, 1 Artillery Company (6x120-mm Mortars, 3x105-mm Recoiless Guns, 3x ATGW) 
1 Armored Battalion 
1 Field Artillery Battalion (18x122-mm Towed Howitzers) 
1 Multiple Rocket Launcher Battalion (18x130-mm) 
1 SAM-AAA Air-Defense Battalion (1 SAM Company + 2 AAA Companies) 
1 Anti-Tank Company 
1 Engineering Battalion 
1 Communications Battalion 
1 Maintenance Battalion 
1 Artillery Command Company 
1 Reconnaissance Company 
1 Transportation Company 
1 Headquarters Company 




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