China: January 21, 2002


On the 19th, a story came out that 27 tiny , satellite controlled (and hidden in upholstery) bugging devices were found in a new Boeing 767 aircraft fitted out for China's leader Jiang Zemin. So far, no official protest has been made to the United States. Moreover, it turns out that Chinese officials who were in the US while the 767 was being customized, and were to supervise the job and prevent bugging, have been arrested. But the bugs may not be the reason for the arrests, as it was revealed that the Chinese government laid out $30 million for the 767 customization, but the US firm that did the work said that they received only $10 million. Some Chinese political experts feel that the bugs were placed by Chinese intelligence officials, the better to keep an eye (or, rather, ear) on their boss. This is not an unknown tactic in this part of the world. The bugs were discovered when Chinese radio equipment picked up the signals coming from some of the bugs. It does appear odd that the US would not have thoroughly tested such bugs before installing them. 




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