Colombia: February 8, 2003


Colombian rescue workers have found at least 19 more bodies in the rubble of a club destroyed by a car bomb, rings the number of dead in the bombing to nearly 50, with 160 other people injured. Around 8 PM on February 7, a remote-control car bomb loaded with some 200 kilograms of explosives destroyed the trendy El Nogal club in northern Bogota. The car blew up on the third level of the parking garage attached to the 10-story building, starting a fire that took two hours to control. At first, it was thought that the blast might have been caused by the building's main gas-powered boiler exploding.

While no one has claimed responsibility for the attack yet, it is obvious that the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) have brought their four-decade war from the countryside into the cities in a big way. Several months ago, FARC told the press that it intended to attack Colombia's elite. The club was one of Colombia's most exclusive, and a symbol of wealth and power, frequented by politicians and business executives. - Adam Geibel