India-Pakistan: Religious Schools Targeted


June 26, 2007: In eastern India, Maoists have begun a rail and road blockade to protest government economic incentives. The new government programs would encourage building new factories and mines, but the Maoists are protesting this because some people would be forced to move.

June 25, 2007: India is equipping its border troops, who watch the 4,100 Bangladesh border, with night-vision goggles and sensors. Some parts of the border are getting electric fencing. In addition to illegal migrants, Islamic terrorists are crossing the border as well, from bases in Bangladesh.

June 24, 2007: In Kashmir, Islamic terrorists refuse to negotiate with Islamic political groups in the Indian province (which is claimed by Pakistan.) The Islamic groups are supported by the Pakistani government, which tolerates their camps across the border in Pakistan, and does not interfere with terrorist attempts to sneak into India. Pakistan refuses to take responsibility for this, and that is causing problems with negotiations to improve relations between India and Pakistan.

June 23, 2007: In Andhra Pradesh (eastern India), police cornered and killed a senior Maoist leader. Communist Party politicians in parliament demanded an investigation of the police. Several senior Maoists have been killed or captured in Andhra Pradesh over the past year. In northeast India, tribal separatists set off a bomb that killed four people.

June 22, 2007: The Pakistani government ordered the army and police to make arrests in religious schools that promoted Islamic terrorism, and to shut down the schools if necessary. This will cause the religious students and faculty to escalate their demonstrations and actions to enforce Islamic law. It's uncertain who will prevail here. The government may stir up so much unrest that they will be forced to back off.

June 20, 2007: In northwest Pakistan, an explosion in an Islamic militant camp was first blamed on some bomb-makers screwing up. But the claims now are that it was an American missile (the Afghan border is three kilometers away.) No evidence has been presented (missile parts), but the media is running with the story.