India-Pakistan: Sticky Fingers And Conspiracy Theories


September 13, 2010: While most Pakistanis believe that Islamic terrorists are responsible for all the attacks the terrorists take credit for, there are still many (including officials in the intelligence forces) who believe India is behind some of this violence, as a way to increase the disorder in Pakistan. There is never any real evidence for this, but many Pakistanis prefer to believe that all the mayhem in their country is not their fault, and must be caused by hostile foreigners (especially Americans, in addition to those evil Indians).

 As billions of dollars worth of foreign donations, and reconstruction loans, pour into Pakistan, even many prominent Pakistanis warn local charities and government to not allow much of the aid to be stolen. If that does not happen, it will be a first for Pakistan.

In eastern India, Maoist rebels attacked a police station and killed two policemen.

September 12, 2010: Another anti-government demonstration in Kashmir. The street violence has been going on for over three months now, and about seventy people have been killed, most of them teen-age boys throwing rocks at police and soldiers. The government is apparently going to wait for the angry Moslems get tired of the futility of all the violence. Two decades of Islamic terrorism, courtesy of bases across the border in Pakistan, has destroyed the economy in Kashmir, and kept a lot of kids out of school. Now those unemployed, poorly educated kids are throwing rocks at soldiers, and getting shot.

In North Waziristan, an American UAV fired a missile at a building used by Islamic terrorists working for Hafiz Gul Bahadur, killing four. Bahadur  signed a truce with the Pakistani Army, but continued to send men across the border to attack foreign troops in Afghanistan.

Indian police in Mumbai released pictures of two suspected terrorists (from Pakistan and Bangladesh). These generated hundreds of calls from citizens who thought they had seen the men. Mumbai was also tense because of the fear of another major Islamic terror attack.

The Indian offensive against thousands of armed Maoist rebels in eastern India continues. Nearly 900 people have died from Maoist related violence so far this year.

In Indian Kashmir, a local Moslem, kidnapped by Islamic terrorists nine days ago, was found dead. The Islamic terrorists continue to terrorize Moslems in Kashmir who do not support the war against India.

September 10, 2010:  In eastern India. A policeman was killed in a gun battle with Maoist rebels.

September 9, 2010:  The minister of finance in Baluchistan (southwest Pakistan) escaped injury as a bomb went off outside his home. Four other people were injured.

In the last two days, U.S. UAVs have made four missile attacks on terrorist targets in North Waziristan (Pakistani tribal territories), killing 24 people.

September 7, 2010: Islamic terrorists set off a large (200 kg/440 pounds of explosives) in a remote control truck bomb near a housing compound for policemen. There were over a hundred casualties (at least 20 dead), most of them wives and children of policemen.

September 6, 2010: Islamic terrorists used a suicide car bomber to set off an explosion near a police station in the tribal territories (near the Khyber pass). The blast killed twenty (nine of them police) and wounded nearly fifty. Many of the casualties were children.

In eastern India, Maoist rebels released three policemen they had captured the previous week.

September 5, 2010: India successfully tested another of its $2.5 million BrahMos cruise missiles, off the east coast.