India-Pakistan: September 25, 2002


Indian police stormed into Gujarat, India Hindu temple and killed two terrorists inside. One police commando was killed in the operation.

India has sent 3,000 soldiers into Gujarat to prevent Hindus from attacking local Moslems.  

India is now blaming Pakistan for backing the suicide terrorists who shot up a Hindu temple in Gujarat. India claims that Pakistan is trying to stir up religious violence in India. Both India and Pakistan have been caught supporting terrorists in each others territory.  

In Kashmir, 547 people have died during the current election campaign. The dead included 269 rebels, 158 civilians and 34 politicians running for election. The rebels want to prevent the  elections in order to further their goal of independence. A functioning state government in Kashmir does not aid the separatist cause. The current elections are taking place in four phases (lasting into early October) because there are not enough election machines and, more importantly, security troops, to run the voting all at once. The voter turnout so far has been 40-50 percent. 

In Karachi, Pakistan, gunmen forced their way into the offices of a Christian charity and murdered several of the Pakistani Christians working there.




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