India-Pakistan: April 20, 2003


  A captured female rebel in northeast India claimed that she had received weapons training on a Bangladesh army rifle range. Even though she and other recruits were blindfolded while being transported to the range, they were able to figure out that this was no rebel built and maintained facility. The female rebel belonged to ULFA (United Liberation Front of Asom). Bangladesh denies all this.

India is moving six more border battalions of border troops (5,000 men) to the Bangladesh border.)

In Pakistan, police and border guards are questioning ten tribal leaders to find out which tribe was responsible for firing on a Pakistani army helicopter. The Pakistani armed forces and the tribes have all sorts of "arrangements" and one of the things tribes are not supposed to do is fire at the army helicopters (which are often used to deal with tribal emergencies). 

In Kashmir, rebel violence left nine rebels dead. 




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