India-Pakistan: November 20, 2003


The US is no longer restricting the export of high tech equipment to India, that could be used in weapons or weapons development. Such "dual use" equipment cannot be exported to certain countries without government permission.

In Pakistan, the government continues its crackdown on Islamic radical organizations. This is a difficult move, as the Islamic radical groups have a lot of popular support. In the majority Pushtun northwest, the Islamic radical parties control the provincial government. The Islamic radicals get most of their popularity via the popular disgust at corruption in government and business. The economy is a mess and there is no solution in sight. Meanwhile, India has been more successful in dealing with corruption and the Indian economy is booming.

In the past week, Pakistani troops swept southwestern Baluchistan province and arrested over 500 Afghans living illegally along the Afghan border. Most of these illegals are thought to be Taliban fighters or supporters. The Afghans will be handed over to Afghan police at the border.




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