India-Pakistan: The Other Disaster Relief


October 17, 2005: The earthquakes in Pakistan have caused a shift in public opinion in Pakistan, not so much against Islamic conservatives, but towards the people Islamic radicals oppose (non-Moslems, foreigners.) That's because of the prompt and plentiful aid that has been sent, by foreign nations, to the earthquake area. This helps the Pakistani government, which has never been a very efficient operation, and is taking most of the heat for whatever is going wrong in the relief effort.

European nations, since the July Islamic terrorist attacks in Britain, have become less willing to allow Indian Maoist groups to operate in Europe. For a long time, these vicious terrorists were considered "insurgents" by most European countries, and allowed to train and raise funds in Europe, for combat operations back in India (and Nepal.)

In eastern India, a group of twenty armed Maoists fired on a group of soldiers, killing one.

October 16, 2005: Although Islamic rebels in Indian Kashmir declared a truce, because of the earthquakes, last week, the army and police continue to operate. Four rebels were shot dead today when they battled police (who had found two rebel hideouts and raided them). The earthquake death toll in Indian Kashmir is over 1300. It's over 50,000 across the border in Pakistan, where the quakes were centered.

October 15, 2005: In another case of some good coming out of a disaster, Pakistan has accepted disaster relief aid from long-time foes India and Israel. The aid has also led to more diplomatic discussions, and good will, in Pakistan, towards Israel and India.

In Indian Kashmir, Islamic rebels attacked an army camp, killing two soldiers, and wounded six more.