Indonesia: Terrorists Flee Revenge Attacks


May 13, 2007: Captured Jemaah Islamiah documents, and interrogations of captured terrorists, indicates that the terrorist organization has a new strategy of kidnapping and murder. The targets are Westerners in Indonesia. The documents mention training at least a hundred kidnappers and killers.

May 11, 2007: The four children of Jemaah Islamiah terrorist leader Dulmatin, were captured in the Philippines. Police almost caught Dulmatin, who has a $10 million price on his head, who left his four kids, aged 2-9, behind. His wife was captured last year in the Philippines, and sent back to Indonesia. Islamic terrorists often flee with their families in tow, as it is a tradition in most Islamic countries for family members to be arrested to get someone to surrender. There's also the danger that families of victims of terrorist attacks might seek revenge by attacking the terrorists family. May 10, 2007: In East Timor, Australian troops continue to look for rebel army officer Major Alfredo Reinado. Last week, an Australian UAV, apparently involved in the search, crashed outside the East Timor capital. The UAV was brought down by a component failure.

May 8, 2007: A recent opinion poll finds most Indonesians have a favorable attitude towards American companies and products, and the war on terror. But there is still a negative attitude towards the U.S. government.