Iran: February 25, 2004


construction remained.

Iran's new conservative parliament passed a law providing tax breaks to those who serve in the Islamic conservative militia the Basij. This law could have never gotten through the freely elected former parliament (that was overwhelmingly pro-reform.) The new parliament will now pass more laws to reinforce the power of the Islamic conservative minority that has controlled the country since the 1979 revolution. The religious leaders have made themselves unpopular by becoming corrupt and getting rich at the expense of the bulk of the people. The new parliament will now pass more laws to make sure the minority of Iranians who do support the Islamic conservatives get legal goodies. 

UN nuclear inspectors continue to find evidence of secret Iranian nuclear weapons development projects. With control of the parliament, Islamic conservatives, who have been running the secret nuclear weapons program, will not have to worry about a hostile parliament tormenting them. The Islamic conservatives that aid and support Islamic terrorists will also be less