Iran: September 17, 2004



Iran continues to stonewall UN nuclear weapons inspectors. Iran apparently feels that the European nations and the UN will not impose sanctions in an attempt to stop Iran's nuclear weapons development program, and would turn on Israel if the Israelis launched an air strike to destroy Iranian nuclear weapons facilities. Basically, the Europeans are not all that worried about Iran developing nukes, feeling that the chances of these weapons being passed to terrorists, or used against Israel, are very low. The Europeans note that the Iranian "world Islamic revolution," has been more rhetoric than anything else over the last decade, and feel that eventually the Iranians will mellow. The United States and Israel disagree, believing that once they have nukes, the Islamic conservatives running Iran would be tempted to use these new weapons for threats, or an actual attack.   Iran has long believed that Israel must be destroyed, and that the United States is the "Great Satan", that should enjoy a similar fate. But that's the Iranian government, run by unelected religious leaders who are supported by, at