Iraq: September 11, 2002


The Philippines has ordered all of its citizens to get out of Iraq. More than a million Filipinos work in the Middle East, and over 27,000 were evacuated from Iraq in 1991.

CENTCOM (the US headquarters that controls American military operations in the Middle East and South Asia) has moved 600 headquarters personnel to Quatar and set up a forward headquarters (where the key people in CENTCOM could control a war in Iraq while the rest of the 1400 of the CENTCOM staffers were still back in Florida.). CENTCOM says this is an exercise.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said in a radio interview that Saddam Hussein told him in 1998 that Iraq would not attack Israel with missiles. Netanyahu said he told Saddam this was a wise decision, because this time, Israel would retaliate (unlike 1991, when they did not.)




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