Iraq: March 5, 2004


Iraqi police believe that the recent suicide bombings are largely the work of former members of Saddam's secret police and Baath Party. While there may be some cooperation with foreigners (al Qaeda and other Islamic radicals), most of the arrests of late have been of pro-Saddam Iraqis. The Sunni Arabs who staffed Saddams secret police establishment have decades of experience in terrorist activities, and the prospects of war crimes trials once an elected Iraqi government comes to power. While the idea of al Qaeda "concentrating on Iraq," is attractive, the truth is that al Qaeda is no longer an organization as much as it is a bunch of like minded people all over the world. The numerous al Qaeda "members" do what they can in the areas where they live. There is some suspicion that Syria, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia looked the other way as their Islamic radical citizens rushed to "defend Iraq" last year. These "Islamic fighters" were quickly killed off by American troops, and were no longer a problem for their home countries, or anyone else. But the hired killers who used to work for Saddam have no place to go, are largely still in Iraq, and all they are trained to do is terrorize Iraqis. 




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