Israel: A Syrian Tragedy


September 11, 2007: A Palestinian rocket fired from Gaza landed in the midst of sleeping Israeli soldiers at an army base, and wounded nine of them with fragments. For some reason, Israeli media described the casualties as much higher, describing over fifty soldiers as casualties, although these men were only near enough the explosion to have heard it (and were described as suffering from "shock.")

September 7, 2007: In Gaza a group of Islamic terrorists tried to drive through the security fence and attack an Israeli outpost. Six terrorists were killed and the attack defeated. In another part of Gaza, an Israeli raid left four Islamic terrorists dead. Israeli operatives disguised as Arabs also arrested a senior Hamas official in Gaza. This was believed to be part of a plan to use captured Hamas leaders to obtain the release of an Israeli soldier held by Hamas for over a year.

Syria claimed to have fired at an Israeli F-15 aircraft near the Turkish border. The Turks later claimed that some empty drop (fuel) tanks from the aircraft had fallen on its territory. Israel has had air superiority over Syria for four decades. The Syrians don't like it, and have been unable to do much about it, despite buying several generations of Russian air defense weapons. Syria has received some of the latest Russian anti-aircraft missile systems, and it is believed that this particular Israeli recon mission was to obtain data on the new Russian systems.