Israel: Palestinians Cannot Make Peace


December 11, 2007: Israel made another raid into Gaza, attacking militant organizations responsible for the continued rocket attacks. Similar police operations continue in the West Bank. The Palestinian leadership, of both Fatah and Gaza, are unable to control their militant elements. This lack of effective leadership, and general lack of discipline, has long been a problem with the Palestinians.

For the eighth time since the Lebanese president resigned on November 23rd, the Lebanese parliament failed to select another. There is a deadlock between pro and anti-Syrian/Iranian factions. Most Lebanese want to be free of foreign influence, but Syria and Iran have allies inside Lebanon (Hizbollah, mainly) and the large Syrian army on the border. The Lebanese do not want another civil war, but neither faction will give any ground, either.

December 10, 2007: Hamas does not have control over it's military organizations. The "military wing" has refused orders to stop firing rockets into Israel. The Hamas leadership has decided that a cease fire with Israel, and a rebuilding of the Palestinian economy, is the best thing to do right now. That would allow Hamas to build up its military strength, for a more powerful attack in the future. But the Hamas militants refuse to go along. Hamas must now either discipline (and in some cases kill) some of its best fighters, or continue to suffer from the Israeli blockade. Hamas popularity continues to sink, the longer the blockade goes on. Economic conditions are very important for most Palestinians.

December 9, 2007: Palestinians, both moderate Fatah and radical Hamas, want to make peace, or at least arrange a cease fire, with Israel. That's mainly because the Palestinians have run out of ideas, and admit that their war against Israel has been a failure. The terror campaign, which began in late 2000, peaked in 2002, with 28 attacks inside Israel, and 173 killed. Year by year since, new Israeli counter-terror tactics have shut down Palestinian operations. Last year, there were only two terrorist attacks inside Israel, leaving fifteen dead. So far this year, there has been one attack, and three dead. With the terrorist operations shut down by Israeli police and commandoes, the Palestinians shifted to home made rockets and mortars three years ago. But these attacks, often over a thousand a year (and over 2,000 this year), never killed more than seven Israelis a year. That was in 2004. Last year, two Israelis died, and so far this year, another two have died. Israeli counter-measures against the Palestinian rocket and mortar crews have left hundreds of Palestinians dead or wounded. Since late 2000, nearly 4,000 Palestinians have died because of the Palestinian terror campaign against Israel. The Palestinian economy has been crippled because of the Israeli counter-terror measures (keeping Palestinians out of Israel) and most Palestinians have been reduced to poverty, and dependence on foreign food aid.

December 5, 2007: Hamas is willing to negotiate with Fatah, but Fatah won't talk until Hamas gives up control of Gaza. Hamas refuses to do that, and nothing seems likely to change there any time soon.