Israel: Palestinian Civil War


December 15, 2005: Israeli warplanes fired missiles at a car in northern Gaza, killing four terrorists, and wounding three others. Overnight raids in the West Bank led to the arrest of eleven Hamas terrorists.

December 14, 2005: President Mahmud Ahmadinejad of Iran again made a speech laced with anti-Semitic statements. He denied that the nazis killed millions of Jews during World War II, and suggested that Israel be moved to Europe or North America. Ahmadinejad is an Islamic conservative put into power by the clerics who run Iran. Although the majority of Iranians want a democracy, the clerics and their armed militias seized power in the 1980s, and refuse to give it up without a civil war (which Iranian democrats have, so far, refused to fight). Iran's efforts to build nuclear weapons has generated rumors that Israel is planning an elaborate air strike on Iran's nuclear weapons and ballistic missile facilities, to delay the day when Iran could launch a nuclear missile at Israel.

Gunmen from al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades shot up a Fatah organization headquarters. This is part of an ongoing feud with Fatah, the party that controls the Palestinian Authority. The terrorists of the al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades want government jobs and a bigger share of the money donated by the EU, UN and US. The terrorist groups need this money to attract recruits, and keep the people they have. Hamas has developed a group of foreign backers, including Iran, and thus become the largest terrorist organization in the Palestinian territories.

Rival gunmen from Fatah, Hamas and al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades have been intimidating election officials, threatening to interfere with tomorrow's municipal elections.

Israel will not allow the Palestinian convoys between the West Bank and Gaza to start until the rocket attacks from Gaza, into southern Israel, stop. The rocket attacks probably will not stop, because the terrorists believe they are on a mission from God, and, besides, it's Israel's fault if the convoys do not start and continue.

December 13, 2005: Fighting between Israeli soldiers and Palestinians left two Palestinians dead and 23 wounded.




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