Ivory Coast: February 9, 2003


Another 450 French soldiers arrived, along with 190 gendarmerie (police), which brings the French armed strength to some 3,000 men. The French troops arrived via commercial flights, with their weapons and equipment coming via military transports. 

One of the principal leaders of the violent, pro-government protests against the peace deal, has now agreed to back the French brokered arrangement. He has also agreed that  rebel leaders be allowed to join the new government.

Rebel leaders have arrived in the capital, but not allowed yet to take up their government jobs, as specified in the peace deal. The rebels have threatened to resume fighting, and take control of the non-Moslem southern half of the country, if the southerners do not abide by the terms of the peace deal. 

France is evacuating any of the 16,000 French citizens in the country that wants to go. 


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