Ivory Coast: May 11, 2003


Ivorian authorities have been recruiting Liberian refugees at a refugee camp at Nicla (inside Liberia). One refugee pointed out that serving in the Ivorian army might eventually would lead to an opportunity to try to overthrow Liberian President Taylor. 

Other Ivorian militia groups (with names like the Cobras, Flic Flac or the Front for the Total Liberation of Ivory Coast) have been forming in the south, estimated to number around 60,000 primarily drawn up from unemployed Ivorian men. 

The Group of Patriots for Peace claims to be a counter-force to the rebels and have about 6,000 volunteers. The group's second in command, Secretary-General Toure Moussa Zeguen, is opposed to a French-brokered peace plan and has accused Burkina Faso along with an opposition political leader of being behind the rebels. - Adam Geibel 


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