Ivory Coast: September 11, 2003


Trying to capitalize on the current peace and reunite the country, Prime Minister Seydou Diarra set up a committee to separate and disarm the ex-belligerents in a bid to still divided from civil war. Like many other simmering conflicts, the peacekeepers and diplomats are in a race to get the guns out of the hands of ill-disciplined fighters and then find something for them to do, before they go back to the thrill of killing their neighbors.  However, many of the Ivory Coast's rebels may have had enough. Rebel leader "Sergeant Wattao" (whose real name is Issiaka Ouattara) is head of the Anaconda Brigade. He told the press that while he wants his men to find positions in the new coalition army, he wants "to be far away from Ivory Coast, so nobody can blame me for anything anymore." - Adam Geibel


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