Ivory Coast: January 20, 2004


As many as 30,000 former fighters could go through the Ivory Coast's disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) program, which pro-government militias, rebel groups and civilians who fought on both sides, as well as 4,000 people recruited into the national army soon after war broke out in September 2002.

The preliminary cost of the DDR program is estimated at $111.3 millions, of which the Ivorian government is expected to contribute $22 million. The World Bank, the European Union, the United Nations, the French Cooperation Agency were among donors who would foot the bulk of the DDR bill. Disarmament and demobilization could take up to four months, while reintegrating the former combatants into society could require as much as two years. Each combatant will receive a reintegration package of about $924 in six monthly installments - Adam Geibel


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