Kurdish War: The War Against Tourists


June 30, 2006: Small scale fighting has continued since early June in southeastern Turkey. The fighting usually amounts to skirmishes or ambushes involving a handful of PKK fighters and various Turkish security forces.

June 28, 2006: A Turkish soldier died in a firefight with PKK rebels. The firefight occurred along the Turkey-Iraq border south of Diyarbakir.

June 27, 2006: The Kurdistan Freedom Falcons (acronym is TAK) claimed credit for the June 25, 2006 attacks in the Turkish resort area of Manavgat.

June 26, 2006: PKK rebels attacked a bus in the town of Erzin (Hatay province). Two people were inured in the attack. Turkish security police killed a PKK rebel in a firefight in the town of Derik (Mardin province, southeast Turkey).

June 25, 2006: A bomb exploded in the resort area of Manavgat (Antalya province). The bomb killed four and injured at least 24. Attacks in tourist areas have an economic dimension. Tourism earns Turkey hard currency. Frightening tourists, especially foreign tourists, produces headlines, which the terrorists also want.

June 21, 2006: Turkish military sources reported elements of an elite mountain infantry brigade engaged a PKK rebel force operating in Hakkari province. Eleven PKK rebels died in the firefight. In Tunceli province Turkish security forces killed three PKK rebels.


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