Liberia: July 27, 2003


Government commanders admitted that their units at the Johnson and Old bridges were "under serious attack" during the morning and LURD units were across the Stockton Creek Bridge during the day. General Benjamin Yeaten, coordinating government military operations at the bridges, had his men quartered in a concrete building overlooking the approach causeway. He admitted losing three killed and nine wounded since the rebels started their latest offensive. 

Another rebel column was moving away from the northern Monrovia suburbs towards Paynesville, an eastern neighborhood that hasn't been fought over yet. During the weekend of torrential rains, LURD also launched a simultaneous attack on the port city of Buchanan (120 km to the southeast) .

US Ambassador John Blaney called for a new cease-fire line about 10 km northwest of Monrovia, urging rebels to pull back to the natural boundary of the Po River outside the capital. This would leave LURD with some of their recent gains but reopen the port, with its food warehouses and outlying refugee camps, to aid workers. LURD's chairman rejected the offer. - Adam Geibel


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