Rwanda: April 11, 2002


Clashes between the Rwanda Patriotic Army (RPA) and its former allies, the Banyamulengein, were feared to have claimed 400 civilian lives and eight RPA soldiers on 30-31 March. Rwanda allegedly sent two helicopters to shell Minembwe on Easter Sunday and Banyamulenge soldiers shot down one of them, killing the eight RPA soldiers. There are an estimated 1,000 to 4,000 Rwandan troops backed by helicopters skirmishing in the high plains South Kivu areas of Uvira, Minembwe, Kamombo, Ndondo, Fizzi and Rwerera.

Meanwhile, Nambia had pulled it's troops out of the DRCongo on 3 April because, as President Sam Nujoma told the press, the "time had come for peace to be restored in that country". - Adam Geibel.




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