Sri Lanka: Rebels Prepare a Fight to the End


April 9, 2007: In the east, the army continues finding and destroying military facilities the LTTE has built over the last decade. There are still hundreds of armed, and dangerous, LTTE gunmen in the east, but they are no longer an organized threat. In the north, the LTTE continues to forcibly recruit teenagers. The fighting is getting nastier, as the LTTE increasingly targets civilians (both non-Tamils, and Tamils who oppose the LTTE). There are 50-100 casualties a day, including civilian victims of terrorism or Tamils who oppose the LTTE. It looks like the end for the LTTE. However, the fanatics who form the core of the LTTE are still out there, and apparently determined to fight to the death. That could be ugly, and costly in terms of military and civilian lives.

April 7, 2007: In the north, the LTTE attacked a bus full of civilians, killing seven and wounding 26.

April 4, 2007: The air force found and bombed the headquarters of the LTTE naval forces, in the north. Fuel supplies and buildings were destroyed.

April 3, 2007: The army captured another four LTTE camps in eastern Sri Lanka, killing 23 LTTE gunmen in the process. Now several hundred more LTTE fighters have no place to live, although most of them are probably already dead, or have deserted. The only forces the LTTE have left in that area are scattered in remaining camps. Many senior LTTE leaders have already moved to the remaining LTTE bastion in the north. The LTTE has increased its attacks on non-Tamils in the east, especially Sinhalese (the majority of Sri Lankans).


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