Sri Lanka: Rebels Crumbling


May 15, 2007: In the north, the LTTE is trying to recruit as many adults and teenagers as it can, to resist the coming army offensive. The Sri Lankan armed forces appear to be preparing for such an operation. The air force is constantly flying over known or suspected LTTE bases, and getting aerial photos of fortifications and facilities. The navy has cut smuggling considerably, aided by an increase in Indian Navy patrols. The Sri Lankan army is pushing its patrols deeper into LTTE territory, resulting in more skirmishes. The LTTE fighters appear to have morale problems, and are not as energetic or resolute as in the past.

May 14, 2007: Clashes over the weekend left about fifteen dead. The LTTE has fallen back on guerilla tactics, which may be all they have if they lose control of the north.

May 13, 2007: The LTTE "air force" of two, single engine commercial aircraft, have not appeared for a week. This may be the result of measures taken to catch the two Czech made Zlin-143 LTTE aircraft. The government has forbidden aircraft, commercial or military, to fly at night. This means anything in the air after sundown is a target.

May 12, 2007: In western Sri Lanka, where the LTTE recently lost control, the rebels set off three large bombs and destroyed electric distribution facilities.

May 9, 2007: LTTE fund raising and arms smuggling operations overseas have been seriously disrupted. This means that, long term, the rebels have much less money, and weapons, for the fighting in Sri Lanka itself.


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