Sudan: August 20, 2001


Heres an interesting battle report. The SPLA says its forces have captured a large Nile steamer and three army patrol motor boats. The steamer and boats are owned by a company that is part of the state-run oil consortium. The action took place on the White Nile. There were no reported casualties. The battle report stated the steamer was heading up river to Wang Kai town. SPLA Commander Michael Top (a former Sudanese government ally) led the attack. The Sudanese government denied that the army had any motor boats on the river. Cutting the river certainly puts a crimp in the Sudanese governments ability to ship both military supplies and oil field equipment to south Sudan. In a subsequent press report, the SPLA claimed its forces had now blocked off river traffic on the White Nile between the city of Juba and Malakal.




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