Uganda: July 16, 2002


About 400 LRA rebels attacked a UPDF military base at the Agoro Trading Center in Lamwo county, Kitgum district on the morning of 14 July. The LRA rebels attacked the UPDF camp 50 km north of Kitgun at dawn expecting only light resistance, since there had only been a few detachments present on 23 February (when the LRA last attacked Agoro market). The Ugandans had some artillery and beefed up the garrison to at least a battalion.

The Ugandans claim to have killed 30 rebels and recovered 27 submachine guns from them. The rebels thereafter retreated back to Sudan border through the same Agoro hills. Some locals saw the UDPF artillery firing into Sudanese hills, presumably at the fleeing LRA. Local security sources said a UPDF Major and some soldiers were killed in the battle, but 4th Infantry Division Intelligence officer CPT Abdu Rugumayo claimed that only three UDPF soldiers were confirmed to have sustained minor injuries during the battle. - Adam Geibel