Uganda: August 23, 2002


Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni laid out a set of peace talk conditions for negotiations with the LRA. He acknowledged this was a change in policy on his part but he said he was willing to give talking to the terrorists a try. However, the LRA must agree in writing (a specification Museveni repeated) to quit killing and abducting civilians and to halt attacks on Ugandan government troops and vehicles. The LRA rebels must also enter into areas in south Sudan and north Uganda where they can be monitored. This offer by the government is an indication that the Ugandan religious leaders mediation efforts in July may have produced some results. The cantonment areas proposal for LRA units is one the LRA will reject, unless some sort of outside monitoring agency or force agrees to get involved. Museveni also said the Ugandan government already has a negotiating team that is prepared to meet with rebel representatives. (Austin Bay) 




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