Uganda: November 3, 2003


Ugandan troops in Pader district are pursuing LRA rebels believed to be carrying the body of 'Brig' Charles Tabuley, who was killed on October 29. Tabuley was killed in a fierce battle in the Teso region. The rebels are apparently taking the body to Kony's hideout in Southern Sudan or for burial in Palabeck in Kitgum district. The Ugandan military thinks the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) will be seriously weakened by Tabuley's death, as he was the Number Two man in their hierarchy.

Armed only with bows, arrows and stones, Amonyu villagers repulsed rebels who had crossed over the Congo border and stormed the village to kidnap three people (including the village vice-chairman). The rebels managed to steal 17 goats as they retreated under pressure from residents. These armed rebels claimed to have been following a robber who had crossed to Uganda. - Adam Geibel